Topic: Rules and regulations of the forum

Welcome to the Robots for Robots forum. This forum is a hangout for CBS-robots since the CBS-forum closed. The forum was set up by S.T.E.N.T.E.C, and is currently run by several of the mods and admins from the old CBS-forum.

We're trying to keep the same atmosphere as on the old forum: a friendly and helpful place. A little controversy is okay, but please refrain from starting flame wars, name calling or using this forum as your personal stress reliever. We won't keep as tight of a rule about controversial subjects, provided conversation stays intelligent. So there is no ban on topics like bootlegs or edits, but if it does erupt in something like on the CBS, it'll be a no-no here as well.

1. Don't expect to receive if you do not contribute. Robots for Robots.
2. Please use one alias per user. Multiple aliases only confuse things and are not allowed.
3. Use a valid email adress at any time.
4. It's okay to ask for ID's of tracks, but please don't ask for loads at the time.
5. Please don't spam the forum with advertising/promotional stuff. We are a community message board, no advertisement space.
6. Posting info that originaly has been posted on The Intergalactic FM forum in the members only viewable section(s) is not allowed. Disobeying this rule results in instant ban.

Disobeying these simple rules will lead to a warning and/or ban from

This topic will change without notice.