Topic: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

It could well be that the reasons are glaringly obvious and just slipped under my radar but im confuzzled by the realforces behind ditching the ceeb...
The CBS was by nature never going to be a goliath of world radio..some thing that all in the community and behind the scenes know and activeley cherish- space is not the place for the massses and the hard work behind keeping the rest of us in orbit would always be a labour of love..
evan if expansion was a real goal and perhaps even running the site as a business proper as speculator pointd out by his comment ' tke it out of the underground- hire a PR compnay"- there was no movement to attract a wider audience like  simply listing the station on itunes internet radio
it seems to me that what with the guardian mention the visibility was set too contineu...which leads me to say.. i think there is an conflict of ideolgy at work and the destructa button was pressed to freeze the CBS in its glory, stop the dry rot of a creeping notoriety in 'trend' terms and by definition the wider audience so missed?

does this strike a chord with you or am i way off and naive .....lets iron this shit out.....

Deathcrush '99


Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

pretty pointless imo, there's only one person who can explain/elaborate, and he's not here on the forum.

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

some of the best things in life 'self-destruct' when they are at their height. Im not quite sure what you are trying to say here.

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

As I see it DJX loved cbs too much to taint it with stuff like promotion or such, so he shut it down to leave it the pristine shining diamond that it is. It was a act of romance in the end and i salute him for it!


Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

Dont you think its worthy of thought?  true only he knows why but its a curious case  i think.... just thought there may be some light to be shed from users....i dont understand enough about how it operated to get it..

Deathcrush '99

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

thats how i see it BMX....there were forces that could have started a decay..

Deathcrush '99

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

RobotDJX wrote:

I rather put the System to sleep now than letting it fade away into oblivion, neglected and forgotton.
There is no honor in that.

That line says it all for me...

You don't agree?

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

i guess it just shows the difference - as  a user i felt it was alive and vibrant but the energy this was using up from the producer side was not sustainable and we got a supernova death..instant and absolute

Deathcrush '99

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt? take a look at these figures. CBS would hardly even reach page 80 on a average day.*

Wild speculation but lets say a bad day wink


Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

Dez wrote:
RobotDJX wrote:

I rather put the System to sleep now than letting it fade away into oblivion, neglected and forgotton.
There is no honor in that.

That line says it all for me...

You don't agree?

I understand the stream was low on listeners as of late, but the shear amount of robots here show that the CBS was not going to fade away into oblivion, be neglected or be forgotten anytime soon.

As for the title for this tread "Why the CBS really crashed n burnt" is an insult to the CBS. It did not crash or burn, the creator/creators pulled the plug on their project that they worked hard on for over 5 years. The success of that project can be seen in many ways but it is clearly demonstrated here at robotsforrobots as the community continues to live on.

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Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

bias wrote:

because streaming preprogrammed music has no future

That is a very valid, yet  very sad point. If people want to listen to live music by shit presenters than they should listen to BBC R1. i

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

.its clearly not meant to be an insult just it feels pretty crashed and burnt to me..where/how ever the connection was severed

Deathcrush '99

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

because streaming good music has no future

No somo Roberto Succo

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt? … 2-07.07.08

☂ bezoek okiland !

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

One day, the Paradise Garage had also closed his doors.

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

i think it's all there in DJx's post.....simple equation

amount of love & passion + amount of time put in  = not getting the desired effect(in his eyes)

soo *yoink*...time to try smth else,....

Let's get Dumb

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

yeah - but what would the desired effect be? there is an incompatible mix of wanting a larger lister base but standing for everything that scenario would bring! major is major because it is vacuous, faddy and , easily those it serves..i think the truth is the hotmix guys felt the cbs deserves more and cant forgive humanity for not being capable of allwoing it to be what it should be, they felt that what would be necessary for growth would mean betraying the essence of teh cbs... i think we'll see a refined, stripped down labour saving...pure replacement with more user generated content..but what do i know

Deathcrush '99

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

neferos wrote:

One day, the Paradise Garage had also closed his doors.

And the mighty Muzik Box!

So yes, I echo BMX's sentiment above. Not exactly sure why but am thankful for having known it, in it's pristine saucer-ness. It is better to have listened and loved than to not have ever listened at all. Thanks for the flight.

Do it your way, because everyone else is just weird.

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

hm, i also dont think cbs was about to fade away into oblivion, or to be neglected and forgotton. but be that as it may.. im sure omniscient by no means.

.."this world`s a bubble"..

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

I can also imagine he was tired, and perhaps doing more of his own productions, or dj more. I believe, but I'm the last one to know, such a radio was time sucking.

Perhaps it also became too big, and as he said, he cared only about streaming 24/7, too much of a giant robot.

But hey, I don't know.


Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

first of all, it did not crash and burn, and to an outsider it was pretty depressing and "wuh?!"

i am sure there were a few factors, not neglecting the fact that it had shut down once before. it is exceptionally easy to neglect internet radio unless u can get it on other media than just the computer. it doesn't mean that all streaming preprogrammed audio is therefore redundant, something like the community we have here can overcome this business-studies-style thinking.

one thing i will say is that rdjx was the one who was always always always carrying the weight of the workload. there was initally gonna be an august autopilot while he took a holiday (i guess) but this clearly escalated to all systems shutdown.

it is incredibly disappointing, but not too surprising. at the minute, with all these up and coming streams on robotsforrobots, you've got to wonder if that isn't more sustainable than one man and his studio doing all the work. i am not marginalising the contributions of the robots, i am just saying at the end of the day it was ferenc's bills, his baby, his shit, and he couldn't just turn it off. until he did.

cuties don't exert

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

yeah once again thats just one way of putting it..and you know what it did didnt it highsided, crashed and was lovingly put down like a majestic lion but yeah it crashed and burnt.

Deathcrush '99

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

IvyHeights wrote:

..and you know what it did didnt it really...


maybe it wasn't nearly as fresh as the first couple of years, but in no way did it crash and burn.

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

i think were having semantic difficulties...its my way of saying something went wrong, it failed in some way i dont understand (ferenc said so) and has been decommisioned..

Deathcrush '99

Re: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?

i think people didn't listen because it wasn't fashionable. CBS never made compromises and did not want to water anything down. this is not the 80's anymore when people still could think with their own brains. now all they want is instant satisfaction and boom boom shit that gets old in one week.