Topic: Henri Puolitaival - Healing [Electro]

It's 08.08.08 so just to celebrate the TR-808 I made this track:


Comments would be nice as always smile

You were just a damn sequencer
Moving to the beat
Living with a synthesizer
Cold as a repeat

2 (edited by zora 2008-08-14 14:49:22)

Re: Henri Puolitaival - Healing [Electro]

every time i want to dl, shit service is at full capacity.

edit: ok, i got it smile and, well.. its nice, but all in all i have to admit that its not very exciting to me (sorry), esp the beginning is a little longsome, i think.

.."this world`s a bubble"..

Re: Henri Puolitaival - Healing [Electro]

Yeah, sendspace is not the best place around for hosting but I've just used to dump the shit over there smile

And thank you for your comment zora!

This was done in a relatively short time so I've been thinking I could touch up this a little bit. Some pads, strings perhaps and better mixing. Maybe something in the beginning as well, because as you said, it takes it time to "warm up" if at all smile

You were just a damn sequencer
Moving to the beat
Living with a synthesizer
Cold as a repeat