Topic: Gothenburg

I'm planning to maybe spend a night in Göteborg 11.8.11 while railing from Berlin to Stockholm.

I'm intrested in this simply because the electro scene in there has grown my interest towards the city. But the question is that are there anything worth seeing or doing in that field on a thursday evening? Should i just do it another time on a weekend and spend my extra day in Berlin?
Shitting in a lavatory, conducting experiments.
Farticles come near and disappear.

Re: Gothenburg

Hey Fossa. Right now everyone in the electro crew is busy doing other stuff, but we're working on it big_smile No frequent electro clubs or parties at the moment, so just coming here on a whim is likely to be a disappointment from a musical point of view. But, by then maybe something will have popped up smile
If you do come we'll find something to do either way!

Re: Gothenburg

Hey Techni!
I decided now not to visit Gothenburg on this trip. Too little time hmm
But I bet i'll spin by someday anyways.
Shitting in a lavatory, conducting experiments.
Farticles come near and disappear.