1 (edited by AdiDaSkiller 2013-05-22 19:24:43)

Topic: Desert expedition #10 [ Thursday 23th of May 20:00 CET 2013 ] on mixlr

more: https://www.facebook.com/events/187893638028613/

stream: http://mixlr.com/desert-expedition-headquarters/

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/970382_605797232766735_1515879140_n.jpg    the mission has coming to an end

so far with ~7h 23min of sound material with this chapter #10 it will reach the final hour of the trip and remain in silence forever

http://www.mixcloud.com/adidaskiller/pl … ion-mixes/

vintage future

2 (edited by cebteq 2013-05-22 23:23:36)

Re: Desert expedition #10 [ Thursday 23th of May 20:00 CET 2013 ] on mixlr

thanks i listened to a few of these in da past and they were pretty tyte

wwill try to catch up with the rest..

Re: Desert expedition #10 [ Thursday 23th of May 20:00 CET 2013 ] on mixlr

thanks for feedback, the mix is already done
i will do a few reairs on mixlr be for i put it on soundcloud etc.
will upgrade some info soon

vintage future

4 (edited by AdiDaSkiller 2013-05-24 12:06:05)

Re: Desert expedition #10 [ Thursday 23th of May 20:00 CET 2013 ] on mixlr


vintage future