Topic: Korg Kr55 sync


I'm pretty sure this has been discussed here but I can't find it.

I'll be getting a Kr55 soon and I'd like to sync it, ideally with Dyn-sync, but trigger as some people have here would do.

Does anybody have the schematics or any other info on a mod, Rude?

2 (edited by Fotoplastikon 2010-02-19 03:35:53)

Re: Korg Kr55 sync

Got the easy modification manual in PDF. I can send it via e-mail.

@TONY: Check PM

Re: Korg Kr55 sync

Thank you very much!!!!!

4 (edited by mannequinmailorder 2010-02-20 03:00:01)

Re: Korg Kr55 sync

I had the schematics for the trig from Rude, if u need, the mod is perfectly working (infinite thanks to Rude for this)

(on my kr i also added individual outs)

Re: Korg Kr55 sync

Thanks mann, I'm guessing it's the same thing I got from Foto.

I head about a Dinsync mod a while back, whish I could find that one, I have an extra out on my KMS-30...

Re: Korg Kr55 sync

funny enough i never got it to work on mine..

Re: Korg Kr55 sync

that's too bad, even with different trigger sources and all?

Re: Korg Kr55 sync

i know this post is quite old now , but i thought ill give it a try...
i really want to add sync option to my KR55b so i can make it more usable in my setup.
the problem is that i can't find a proper schematics out there, and the connection points in the machine.
any chance to have a look at your pdf?

Thanks a lot in advance! wink

Re: Korg Kr55 sync
