1 (edited by silver 2009-09-06 13:22:26)

Topic: the new Wolfenstein

Just finished the single player campaign - and it's awesome. Well coded -- reviews sometimes bash it a bit for it's "dated" graphics (Doom 3 tech.) but this does mean that it runs pretty fine on my 2 year old PC (and from my professional experience there's not too much more to be gotten out of the other platforms it runs on anyway, X360 and PS3). And hell it's fun.

I wholeheartedly endorse!


2 (edited by bias 2009-09-06 16:46:00)

Re: the new Wolfenstein

game sucks, it's linear, fully scripted, graphics are ok for doom3 engine, but it's 2009 and this game is not cheaper than any other new title, so that's not enough. there isn't even anti aliasing (i read it was too slow on consoles). multi player is unplayable at the moment due to lags and retarded movement, it's also uglier and slower than single player, sounds are extremely crap, aiming is stupid like they couldn't decide if it's enemy territory or call of duty.
it's totally not worth spending money on it until it cost 10-15euro.

Re: the new Wolfenstein

Paying for games is so last century.

Re: the new Wolfenstein

a nice resum

5 (edited by silver 2009-09-07 01:16:16)

Re: the new Wolfenstein

bias wrote:

game sucks, it's linear, fully scripted, graphics are ok for doom3 engine, but it's 2009 and this game is not cheaper than any other new title, so that's not enough. there isn't even anti aliasing (i read it was too slow on consoles). multi player is unplayable at the moment due to lags and retarded movement, it's also uglier and slower than single player, sounds are extremely crap, aiming is stupid like they couldn't decide if it's enemy territory or call of duty.
it's totally not worth spending money on it until it cost 10-15euro.

i was tempted to craft a reply but then again you sound like a misinformed spoiled kid -- i figured this is the kind of post one runs into at a teen gamer forum -- and that really doesn't justify any of my time smile

some of those points have the potential to be fair enough, but this is just ranting.


Re: the new Wolfenstein

I agree with Bias. The graphics aren't very good (its an optimised ETQW engine which is showing its age), single player is fun for a little while, but is too linear and scripted. Its ok for a quick run-through but with COD4 2(or whatever its called) around the corner, it comes off as lazy.

Multi-player is awful in its default state. Small maps, weird hit registration, terrible lag. There are a couple of mods out trying to fix the spread, sounds, movement and even bunny hopping yaay! I havent tried these yet, but dammit I'm still hoping for some ET-like gameplay.

Re: the new Wolfenstein

was quite a dissapointing game after i hit the first boss and got the veil mechanic (and exited the veil inside a door and died). Dunno if it was just me but the hit box for the nazi's veil shield or whatever extended way beyond the actual 3d Model..so i would be shooting them in the face but nothing would happen.

Didn't expect much, since raven f*d up Quake4 also.

Re: the new Wolfenstein

silver wrote:

Just finished the single player campaign - and it's awesome. Well coded -- reviews sometimes bash it a bit for it's "dated" graphics (Doom 3 tech.)

"Dated graphics"? *pff* Even the old "Return to castle Wolfenstein" looks good for me.

Have to check out the new one.

Do the german enemies also have that nice voices (english with heavy german accent and some german words/sentences from time to time)?

"Jawohl Herr Oberfuhrer"

"Das Ubersoldat" lol

Kraftwerks achso graue Autobahn, Drexciyas achso blaue Aquabahn...