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Robots for Robots → The Daily UFO → happy christmas everyone!
hahaha yes man! thats amazing!!
merry christmas, & a belated happy winter solstice to all pagan bots! have a good one.
Cool tree : )
*** Merry X-Mas ***
Lovely tree
hahaha, thanks Queen for that one, and off course merry x-mas everyone
merry christmas all!
candles & vinyl... chills down my spine Sch
vinyl and fire go well together. the best condition is when it's a shitty record. that truely get things heated
hope everybot had a good one
hysteric wrote:Merry Christmas to all robots (regardless of religious association)
Christmas without a religious association does not exist.
happy non-demominational gift exchange and feasting winter holiday, then!
This morning, I saw santa claus on a bike. I told him he was late, and he looked at me with angry eyes. Pffffftttt
I wish all the robots and robettes a merry christmas.
Enjoy your families and presents ..
just kiddin'
when the snow falls wunderbar
and the children happy are,
when the glatteis on the street,
and we all a gl
merry christmas with your loved ones Robots&Robettes
Ho, ho hoooooooooh bots & robettes! Have yourselves a good one in any way.
merry xmas fellow bots!
Robots for Robots → The Daily UFO → happy christmas everyone!
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