Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

Maiovvi wrote:

Just moved into a nice new flat away from the psychotic flatmate!!! winning.

How was he psychotic? We want to hear some stories! lol

Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

Finally got the friggin Electronome - 4+10=12 that was ordered in early June. Lost my hope many times.

You were just a damn sequencer
Moving to the beat
Living with a synthesizer
Cold as a repeat

Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

Just made an apple pie - succesfully. And after a slice it looks like a Pac-Man pie.

You were just a damn sequencer
Moving to the beat
Living with a synthesizer
Cold as a repeat


Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

I have a date with my masseuse and she's not squeamish!


Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

cebteq wrote:

I have a date with my masseuse and she's not squeamish!

Wow, I've seen a movie about a case like that. It starred Jenna Jameson cool


Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

I finally got Arduino communicating with MaxMsp! *victory dance*

Music is a beautiful opiate, if you don't take it too seriously.

Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

There is a reporter on CNN named "Jeffrey Toobin"  !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

Well it made me happy and thats all that matters.


Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

happy i feel like posting here again  smile

.."this world`s a bubble"..


Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

cause I'm gonna see X-102 this friday, just after performing with a huge group of students there before.


Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

cause I just heard "Fullmoon" by Nachtliche on IFM4

1,187 (edited by cebteq 2010-09-21 09:08:49)

Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

the g2 comes out this month

Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

Big success for my exams today (17/20) smile
oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!!

Sending this transmission into the depths of space
I must complete my mission - destroy the human race


Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

what are you studying?

.."this world`s a bubble"..

Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

zora wrote:

what are you studying?

Thanks zora ! smile
i'm studying ancient greek, political history and theology (jansenism).

Sending this transmission into the depths of space
I must complete my mission - destroy the human race

Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

Mr. Satellite wrote:

Right now, the existence of this fast growing forum makes me happy.

Same here.....
I am also happy because of this fast growing forum...

Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

I have seen this forum...
I am really happy after reading all these....


Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

i'm happy cause i've got some new records delivered today!


Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

an unexpectedly delicious dinner makes me very happy.  tongue


Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

happy cuz it's friday and don't have to come to this shit job until monday


Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

there's a little Suy baby coming. Had to do some tests that so far turned out ok so thats good news.
And just heard its gonne be a girl  cool


Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

hey congratulations brother!


Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

thats sweet, suy. congratulations! and my best wishes!

.."this world`s a bubble"..

Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

Well in SUY,

Mind and store yer prized records out of reach...My 16 month old girl makes a habit of eating the nicest pic-sleeves


Re: Tell everyone why you are happy.

thanks smile

Expected on the 1st of april, so theres time to make some safety adjustments and work on my parenthood skills