Re: Best clubs worldwide
Kid_a wrote:It would be nice to know what people consider the best clubs worldwide and why.
change your topic title "worldwide" by local because everybody is speaking about his own country, above all those brittons bots stuck in their tiny island
ho & btw, panorama & berghain suck BIGTIME cause they play worst hipster minimal shit ever, as usual in berlin, mecqua of electronic shit !! (luckily there is das drehmoment etc cause otherwise we should burn that town
Sorry I am afraid that is a too subjective point of view. They play a lot of music there and also minimal, I've heard
I-F there as well and it rocked the place BIGTIME. Although I've not been there in the last half year my best partynights were definitely there.
And to keep it international I really liked the Mazzo before 2000 or something, before the new owner. Because of the variation in the crowed and their enthousiasm.