no facebook for me, there's actual music forums like this on facebook? (i sound like an old man
, i live in a cave se my avatar) thought fb was only for showing of your perfect life and and your 500+ friends. i def ain't got no perfect life or nor no 500+ friends. the whole fb thing makes me depressed. (and to be honest it's looks kind of shitty / tacky.) evil facebook! myspace for the win
) agree, the non music stuff is nice, a bit more personal ~ mr Technicolor posts a lot of funny pics, likes fashion, and art? hehe... i post Danilo Stankovic you post Martin Jacobson. that's nice...
you know any other platforms?
of topic (more whining)
you are a dj so guess you meet know people that have the same music taste / that are interested in music. in my little bubble to be honest its unusual. sharing my music interest in real life i have given up on, if someone asks its just ~ i listen to different stuff. if i say electronic / techno-ish people think avicii / swedish house something... ata kak or smackos nobody have ever heard of. a colleague tried to find out what i liked and its the basic question -tycker du om håkan hällström? hehe.