Re: Ps3

You can still play online for free, when they introduce this. Only for extra services (which you dont really need) they ask for a monthly fee. Which is still more reasonable than Xbox...

Strictly Rockaas

452 (edited by Klart 2010-02-04 14:42:46)

Re: Ps3

Yeah, they'll always keep the basics for free. No worries.

BTW:Battlefield Bad Company 2 demo/beta now available for PS3!

Honey, in the morning the bees are singing and the birds are stinging in an open head surgery.

453 (edited by Septicstudio 2010-02-04 14:53:55)

Re: Ps3

i hope so, i dont need a subscription to download a demo wink

but really like all those others replied in that link, I stopped buying x360 games mainly because PSN is free. I find it really a shame you have to pay for MP on x360. It isnt even the x360 live system that hosts the games but the game publishers themselves, if they would charge it is a somehow bit different story, like a World of Warcraft sell your soul contract tongue, but you will get free goodies updates en missions etc. Xbox live itself doesnt offer anything more than, more paid content and demos..

BTW did you know X360 DLC is hakkked now also big_smile

edit BF2 demo!???! wow gonna get that koolio


Re: Ps3

Now at (EU) PSN playable demo of Alien vs. Predator (Multiplayer)
Could be good!

Strictly Rockaas


Re: Ps3

spruxxx wrote:

I'm pretty impressed with anyone who can finish it / complete every area, it is huge!

I know I would have spent way too much time on it when I was a kid, but it's just not gonna happen now. It was the GOTY edition that sold it for me, which is even bigger ha ha...

I've heard of Borderlands, sounds interesting but I'll think I'll stay away from other big games smile

fallout new vegas is coming out this fall

Re: Ps3

anyone wanna trade BioShock for something? maybe Fallout 3?


Re: Ps3

"flOw" for free in US PSN Store today only

Honey, in the morning the bees are singing and the birds are stinging in an open head surgery.

458 (edited by alex_d_steak 2010-02-14 00:56:39)

Re: Ps3

lately I have been heavily using my PS3 as a mediacenter, using MediaTomb on my home server and the PS3 as an UPnP client... works pretty well even via 802.11g wink

At least my son is appreciating all those Pixar cartoons we show him to distract him while eating :ppp

Re: Ps3

heavy rain looks excellent.

Re: Ps3

alex_d_steak wrote:

lately I have been heavily using my PS3 as a mediacenter, using MediaTomb on my home server and the PS3 as an UPnP client... works pretty well even via 802.11g wink

At least my son is appreciating all those Pixar cartoons we show him to distract him while eating :ppp

Check out ps3 media server http://ps3mediaserver.blogspot.com/ for streaming.. it will transcode if you're streaming stuff the ps3 doesnt play.

I need love

Re: Ps3

Yeah, I know about it, but since my home server is running FedoraPPC I don't have a binary for that, so I tried from sources but for some reason I still have to investigate it is not compiling properly.

Got no time at the moment, so MediaTomb did the trick for me, so far I do not have any movie that the PS3 did not recognize, so it is ok right now.

Thanks anyways!


Re: Ps3

ratsnake wrote:

heavy rain looks excellent.

Yes, I've tried it in a shop yesterday. I'm tented to buy it !


Re: Ps3

alex_d_steak wrote:

lately I have been heavily using my PS3 as a mediacenter

You've got a PSN-name?

Honey, in the morning the bees are singing and the birds are stinging in an open head surgery.

Re: Ps3

Mademoiselle wrote:
ratsnake wrote:

heavy rain looks excellent.

Yes, I've tried it in a shop yesterday. I'm tented to buy it !

I did the demo and to me it is a interactive movie with bad camera controls and very lineair playing..
Ow and this was localized in Dutch aswell like that Uncrapterd2, so fake to hear dutch soapstars speak the voiceoivers...zzz hehe
I guess there is a market for this kind of games, but I always think, why dont rent a movie or DVD of the Midsummer Murders orso.
I dont like games that are basicly animations/movies with here and there at a given time a pauze with a waiting for a controller input, like R1...if you dont do it the game stops and waits till you do...just like a pauze button on a VCR...

Still on M.A.G. got the hang of it now and XP and grinding is steady going up to 500 per round

Eagerly awaitng Battlefield BC2

Re: Ps3

Septicstudio wrote:

I did the demo and to me it is a interactive movie with bad camera controls and very lineair playing..
Ow and this was localized in Dutch aswell like that Uncrapterd2, so fake to hear dutch soapstars speak the voiceoivers...zzz hehe
I guess there is a market for this kind of games, but I always think, why dont rent a movie or DVD of the Midsummer Murders orso.
I dont like games that are basicly animations/movies with here and there at a given time a pauze with a waiting for a controller input, like R1...if you dont do it the game stops and waits till you do...just like a pauze button on a VCR...

You can change the language in the options menu and override your ps3 language setting.

The thing is, Heavy Rain doesnt really pause and wait for your inputs (well, it does that as well ofcourse), but a lot of the inputs can only be done in a certain time frame or sequence and if you don't then you don't have a choice of going down that path anymore. I don't believe that a limited demo with only two scenes could ever convey the non-linearity of the story that this game is supposed to have.

I really liked the film noir mood of it. The gameplay reminds me of old Sierra adventure games like police quest with a fresh new interface.

I need love

466 (edited by Septicstudio 2010-02-15 15:32:38)

Re: Ps3

well okay, i know i can chnage localisation etc smile But I found it soo retarded sounding.

The demo will not make want to buy it. But Aliens vs Predator I wont buy either that demo is also not really good for the sales.
I never could join a game, or even find one....that one is destined to bleed dead 2 months after release.

I had a game on the dreamcast ShenMuie or something, that worked also with timed controlinput, but that was 1995 or so smile
That game was cool, coz you could gamble and shit like that in the game. Really a lot more freedom imho. But to each its own likings ofcourse.


Re: Ps3

Septicstudio wrote:

well okay, i know i can chnage localisation etc smile But I found it soo retarded sounding.

The demo will not make want to buy it. But Aliens vs Predator I wont buy either that demo is also not really good for the sales.
I never could join a game, or even find one....that one is destined to bleed dead 2 months after release.

I had a game on the dreamcast ShenMuie or something, that worked also with timed controlinput, but that was 1995 or so smile
That game was cool, coz you could gamble and shit like that in the game. Really a lot more freedom imho. But to each its own likings ofcourse.

I'll buy Heavy Rain though. It's much more than a movie that stops at your input; your decisions influence the story. Still, I understand it's not for everyone.

The AvsP demo has been renewed (1st one didn't work indeed).

If you liked Shenmue (I loved it back then), try Yakuza 3; it will be out in a few weeks. It has a lot of possible activities (fighting, bowling, darts, girls, lots and lots) and an interesting story, though I doubt you'll be able to influence it.

Honey, in the morning the bees are singing and the birds are stinging in an open head surgery.

Re: Ps3

I got an email from spruxx about avp being meaty.
gonna give it a go tonight.


Re: Ps3

Just running the SP PC version of AVP now...lets see what it brings



Re: Ps3

Klart wrote:

try Yakuza 3; it will be out in a few weeks. It has a lot of possible activities (fighting, bowling, darts, girls, lots and lots)

Asian girls, Klart ASIAN girls!!! When is the release?!

Strictly Rockaas


Re: Ps3

Obi1r wrote:
Klart wrote:

try Yakuza 3; it will be out in a few weeks. It has a lot of possible activities (fighting, bowling, darts, girls, lots and lots)

Asian girls, Klart ASIAN girls!!! When is the release?!

Asian girls indeed wink. It should be out 12 March 2010. I'm happy they didn't dub it in English, just Japanese vocals with English subtitles. I like it that way. Arigato!

Honey, in the morning the bees are singing and the birds are stinging in an open head surgery.

Re: Ps3

meschi wrote:

I got an email from spruxx about avp being meaty.
gonna give it a go tonight.


Yeah check it out, I should be around to join you if you're online tonight.

I've played the previous AvP games on PC - although gameplay-wise it hasn't changed much as far as I can tell, it's still good fun and the gfx are great, as you'd expect. I miss having a mouse though for an FPS...

First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win...

Re: Ps3


should be alexdsteak... if I remember correctly smile


Re: Ps3

It's time for an update:

RFR name: PSN name

meschi: mrmeschi
klart: Klart
vic20: Rickster372
heifetz: magicaldream
davecore: davecore
obi1r:  Far_I
spinsergio: PlaySergio
jayoverdose: jayoverdose
llcoolkm: llcoolkm
spruxxx: darkstar108
huxflux: robotrohn
SLEEK: sipyohaterade
BMX: mtfbmx
SepticStudio: SepticStudio
Mademoiselle: Mlle75
sheffieldbleep: sheffieldbleep
alex_d_steak: alexdsteak
computerdisco: Komputerdisco
c20h25n3o: essit303

Honey, in the morning the bees are singing and the birds are stinging in an open head surgery.


Re: Ps3

I saw Heavy Rain in the shops this morning and I'm really tented but 70 euros is expensive…
I bought Uncharted 2 at 70 euros too but I was bored after 10 minutes and I'm scared the same happens the same with heavy rain.