Topic: Should we upgrade? the human brain [article]

should we upgrade

Re: Should we upgrade? the human brain [article]

Interesting article MD...this is from the science program on the ABC, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation which is the government funded TV channel here (and one of the only good channels). Do you get some of our programs over there?

Music is a beautiful opiate, if you don't take it too seriously.

3 (edited by Poodle 2008-09-10 21:23:59)

Re: Should we upgrade? the human brain [article]

singularity might happen as soon as 2024. 

there's no stoping it really. religon etc might stop it for a while (as in Dune by frank herbert) but i think the momentum of singularity will be too strong in motion before anyone has any time to stop it.

fusion power or another vast energy source should be here at the same and will be all the catalyst this revoltion needs to really explode.

our only hope is that love is a law of nature and that this transition goes by without violence and no form of sensing life ends up enslaved or dominated by another.

in Battlestar galactica even the cylons feel love and search a higher meaning of their existence. this is what the script writers are hoping for. that love isn't just a chemically triggered mechanism but exists in every fiber of the universe.

Re: Should we upgrade? the human brain [article]

not sure if we get your programs over here, i hardly watch television...

i believe religion try hard to stop it.
as for love, it's interesting issue...
never really thought about it this way