Topic: Searching for Sensitive - Don't Stop / Give me

Hey bots, been a long time posting for me... Hope y'all are good.

Was playing some records last night and I kinda missed my copy of Sensitive - Don't Stop / Give me.
I've had it untill a year ago, but traded it away.

Kind of a long shot, but I thought I'd give it another try to locate a copy.

If you have copy and could part with it, just drop me those wants. Will look into my trading stash and collection.
I have too much to name... but 2 titles that come to mind that I have doubles of are:

Blush - Gypsy Guitar / Lift Off 12" on Carrere (nice 'n Mint)
The Androids - Love Dance 12" on Uniwave (gotta check condition, but I think it's EX)

Re: Searching for Sensitive - Don't Stop / Give me

Hey welcome here Indecs ! smile

Sending this transmission into the depths of space
I must complete my mission - destroy the human race

Re: Searching for Sensitive - Don't Stop / Give me

hey, welcome to the group of people who are looking for that record !

If I'm gonna find one I would give my clay pedrini away (NM), or a kidney (VG+)

Re: Searching for Sensitive - Don't Stop / Give me

most complicated robot wrote:


or a kidney (VG+)

lol is yours in such a good condition wink

Vlam Aan

Re: Searching for Sensitive - Don't Stop / Give me

it's a bit over graded, you know, to sell it better.

Re: Searching for Sensitive - Don't Stop / Give me

nice to see you back around Indecs ;-)

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