1 (edited by zora 2023-09-26 22:11:58)

Topic: DL shows/mixxes from IFM

Is it still possible to dl shows and mixxes (including old cbs stuff) from IFM somewhere somehow? Can't seem to find it.. Please help!

.."this world`s a bubble"..

2 (edited by DumbBot 2023-09-27 07:33:26)

Re: DL shows/mixxes from IFM

Hi Zora, as far as I know the Hotmix site where all the shows/mix were hosted is down. This may be temporary or permanent I dont know...Starbo might know more than me.

It's a bummer as I used to get all my SEER shows here.

Let's get Dumb

Re: DL shows/mixxes from IFM

Yeah Hotmixes is temporarily offline because of a major website overhaul happening right now.

Dumbbot; i hate Mixcloud with a passion but most if not all SEER shows can be found there mixcloud.com/SEER_Radio/

// Floating away in a hole darker than yours //

Re: DL shows/mixxes from IFM

Okay, thanks Dumbbot and Starbo. So I take it as there"s still hope! smile

.."this world`s a bubble"..

Re: DL shows/mixxes from IFM

If you need s specific mix, I have a folder with about 700 mixes from the old robot djx download page.

6 (edited by zora 2023-11-09 14:14:48)

Re: DL shows/mixxes from IFM

Oh man, @Stentec, just saw your post. That's so kind! Thank you smile This is soo much appreciated!

I'd probably want ALL of them? Haha. But I guess if you have anything from
- Soulrider (show or mixxes)
- Colbourne or
- BeatsFromTheStreets
that'd be a great start!!

Im also looking for some old Intergalactic Gary mixxes:
- Sistema Galactico
- Puurder & Zuurder
- Live @ Rote Sonne 27/05/2006 Part 1.

.."this world`s a bubble"..