First of all people having right wing views is of course just as okay as people having left wing views (or to have people stuck in the middle), this is the premise of democracy.
Yes having a discussion with people who's views are built on e.g prejudice and lies can be near impossible, but it's the moderate people and ideas that should be the focus when trying to see the perspective of the other side, not the idiots. But tbh, I'm not so sure how many people there are who's political views are built on merely prejudice and lies. There are of course people who who don't care about reasoning and who just wants to argue for the arguments sake (You say A, I say B just to provoke) and yes people can get fooled by lies and propaganda, but there's often a whole life of experience that shape your political views, or at least something more than e.g some bots. If it was just disinformation, propaganda and lies that turns people in to e.g Trump supporters then why aren't you DB a Trump supporter? Views of life that stem from bitterness and a hard living can be just as pure and true as the views that comes from an ivory tower. In other words, angry opinions from the bottom doesn't have to be wrong or stem from lies.
Plus all the things you said (disinformation, propaganda and lies/ prejudice and lies/ actually facts and even populism) can actually be thrown from other side of the spectra. I'm certain there's a lot of videos of Trump supporters going to Democratic rally's trying to find the most hardcore democratic fanatics, who refuse to listen to both reason and logics, to depict these as the average 'foolish' democratic voters.
It's difficult to meet in the middle if the perspective is polar opposite and politics sure is a fuel for conflicts. It's has become like two teams fighting each other with dumbed-down cheep shoots, where almost anything goes and where the ones who scream the loudest wins. A race to bottom.
**It simply boggles my mind how super rich Donald Trump is suddenly viewed as the working class hero of America.**
Well didn't you know he's the best working class hero of America like ever? No one in the history of humanity loves the working class more than Donald Trump!!!
Donald Trump is a narcissist, and a narcissist does what a narcissist do best - charm and deceive. If you manage to see past the act the magic might disappear, but if you don't its easy to be 'hooked'. (When things go as planed - this smooth act is easier to uphold, when it don't capitolium is stormed.) He is, whether you like him or not, a character.
I do not agree and i think its dangerous as fuck(!), but I can understand the reasoning why an average Joe in the middle of America would think that US should focus inward instead of spending resources and money on Ukraine, a country somewhere on the other side of the world. (J.D. Vance is from a European perspective not so good.)
Take that in combination with the hypocrisy of the other side, where as long as the lower classes of society think and does like the left wants - they get a pet on their head by e.g Hillary, insuring she's got the back of the working class. But as soon as the working class express the wrong opinions they're al the sudden a basket of deplorables (or Ron is good until he expresses the wrong opinions, then he should be cancelled). This fierce and swift, black and white, pet on the head or a kick in the face-flipping is a trademark of the modern left that i do not like.
(A fair and dark question is if there are anyone on the political spectra that's actually got the lower classes interest in mind. I wonder...)
Blaming immigrants for things they have nothing to do with is of course not fair, but I would say neither is painting a simplified picture of the friction and problems that have followed with the huge immigration parts of Europe have had the last decades.
I say you can criticise the politics without necessary going after the immigrants.
Lets say one hundred thousand blond Swedes where to move to Glasgow. Where should we put them? In the poor suburbs of course! Of to Easterhouse! Whether you like it or not there's bound to be friction, and for a Glasgow native (living in one of these poor suburbs) to express concern about this cultural shift I would say ain't necessary because he's evil, uneducated, a racist, the works of Russian trolls, the fruit of misdirected anger, or even a peak against the Swedes per se. I would say this Glasgow native, as a Glasgow native, have the right to express concern. (A possibly reason why this hypothetic Glasgow native is rough around the edges when expression concern about swedes might have something to do with the fact that he have been called a dumb everytime he tries to speak his mind. It's hard to be humble when called a dumb just on the fact that your opinion differs.) I can also ensure you, without a doubt, that the most Swedish loving Glasgow natives might eat some Swedish meatballs, but they sure as hell ain't gone go living in any of these newly formed Swedish enclaves, even though this privileged hipster click have the dosh to choose.
Yes i know about the tragedy and the following riots... My thoughts goes to the families. Hope things cool down.