1 (edited by Obi1r 2008-12-29 17:10:07)

Topic: Food Supplement Topic

1. Are there any of you who takes vitamines and can say 'well, yeah I feel better taking them?'
My personal answer would be immediately no.
But some other things concern me these days;

2. Pharmaceutical company Geigy (Swiss) tested some fruit and vegetables over the years, and this tells us minerals & vitamines decreased dramaticly (around 75%, but this probably a bit too high).
http://www.de-helende-roos.nl/Sango/voe … aarden.pdf
The test is in Dutch, but here are the fruits & veggies listed;
Don't think I am gonna eat 3 times more potatoes than I did in 1985, to get the same amount of nutrients in my body. But this is pretty alarming I think. Reason for this decrease in minerals are;
Exausted ground, too fast grow, air pollution, long term storage, transport.

3. So for a decade now there are the bio-logical (reform) stores where they sell bio growth veggies & fruit. I hope they test those as well, but I should be pretty sure they contain much more nutrients than veggies you can buy everywhere else... but you need a nice filled wallet.

4. Everyone heard someone saying every once in a while 'the flu this year is a lot more tougher than before'.
That might be true, but it's also possible we are much less resistant because of the lousy food and nutrients we get then we used to... ending up in being longer and heavier sick of viruses like the flu.

5. Here in Holland it is not possible to buy fruit like berries of any kind, although they are one of the most healthiest fruit you can get. While in the middle of Europe (Romania for instance) berries are very cheap and all over availabe . Veggieshops here just stay on the safe side to sell you the usual stuff like apples, oranges and bananas.

6. Knowing all this I am quite eager to take extra food supplements, yes.

For quite some years now we know taking Anti Oxidants are really good for you. For a month now I drink one of the latest from America, called 'Jus'.
This is the 'king' of all Anti Oxidants drinks, because its easely 10 times stronger than any other drink available. This is because of a well balanced combination of 23 differents fruits in 1 bottle;
http://jus.net/    (see Product >Ingredients) The only countries where you can buy Jus are the US, Japan, and soon in the Netherlands.
Now I got hold of 15 of those little bottles and I sold some people and friends a bottle, and a massive 9 out of 10 of them want this for daily use... that's how strong it is, you really have more energy till late. My Robette who used to go to work almost swearing (who does not hm?) but that is history. Now she gets out of bed without hesitation and walks whistling to the train station every morning!
We both sleep deeper and awake more clear and rested. My skin looks better, and I have seen others where excema disappeared. Pretty astonashing!

Now the special thing about Jus is, that it is the first supplement drink developed without a money budget.
It took millions of dollars and 3 years in total to develop Jus with 23 ingredients (some of them quite rare) and blend them together, in synergy (so they are not decreasing in health power, while blended together) while reaching a value of almost 9000 Orac! (the measurement of Anti Oxidants).
No other brand ever did this, always there was a budget in developing a health supplement, resulting in a lousy product. (See the Dutch consumentengids of the month May 2008).

So Robots, aside from taking Anti-Rust potion... let me know what your thoughts are.
And dont hesitate to contact me if you have more interest in Jus.

Strictly Rockaas

Re: Food Supplement Topic

i'll listen to my stomach, regarding quantities...flu, as it concern...C vitamin works for me smile...each mornin in winter season i drink a full glass of fresh lemon juice ( zaharine free ) and in vitamins pills i only took Mg & Ca .

Re: Food Supplement Topic

think there is no vitamin problem so far, to a plenty of meals (convienence food) are vitamins added , for conservation
adding all kinds of vitamins too juices too
....makes me more sad that the original taste (strawberries,tomatoes...)  is gone

Ey Freund Blase, es gibt süßen Brei!

Re: Food Supplement Topic

i don't take any supplements, maybe i should as i don't exercise and often feel light-headed.

during the summer i eat lots of freshly picked strawberries, bilberries and peas. i also exercise in the summer, so i feel much better. i think it has got to do with the increased light as well.

Re: Food Supplement Topic

Well Mesgott one thing you are right... plenty of vitamins around.
But I much prefer the natural vitamins out of fruit & veggies, over the synthetic vitamins out of the industry. The natural vitamins have proven their health since the stone age.

The food industry know exactly nutrients are decreasing out of veggies and fruit over the past years, Instead of telling the truth, the food industry add synthetic vitamins to their products which I think lead to unwanted side effects. But hey, then the pharmaceutical industry comes in and sell you their medicines to help you fight the symptoms. How brilliant...

Strictly Rockaas

Re: Food Supplement Topic

recently read this in relation to this topic, but this is more about ageing, rather than just feeling good and healthy.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2008/ … upplements

Re: Food Supplement Topic

black shape wrote:

recently read this in relation to this topic, but this is more about ageing, rather than just feeling good and healthy.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2008/ … upplements

The test they did is just related to vitamin C and E. This drink Jus I am talking about is much more than just those 2 vitamins, and Jus is 100% natural.
I dont feel the need to discuss ageing, that's just a step too far.

When you google on Antioxidants, lots of articles inform you about 'dont take too much antioxidants'. Those articles handle about 1 fruit, containing 1 type of antioxidant, while there are 3 types.
True, taking lots of 1 type from 1 fruit does not do you much good. Drinking a bottle of whisky (of one brand if you will) a day is not very healthy as well... so what is new!

Jus is on the right track I think because Jus contains 23 types of fruit (not just vitamin C & E) and does contain all 3 types of antioxidants in there.
That's why they have to ask around 40 US dollar for 1 bottle of Jus, but you take just 30 Ml daily and you finish your bottle in 1 month.
I strongly recommend the US Robots to just try one, it's really exceptional.
These are the ingredients in Jus;
Acai palm    
Aloe vera juice    
Apple concentrate
Aronia berry    
Cranberry extract    
Grape seed extract
Grape skin extract    
Green tea    
Lycium Berry (Wolfberry)    
Noni fruit    
Prune extract    
Reishi mushroom    
Sea buckthorn    
Tart cherry extract
White tea    
Wild bilberry extract    
Wild blueberry (wolf berry)

Strictly Rockaas

8 (edited by black shape 2008-12-29 16:27:45)

Re: Food Supplement Topic

yeah, i know, i just put it there to say anti oxidants dont do exactly what they thought they did do. (in some areas).

"vitamins and minerals in some fruit and veg went down by 75%"
i cant read the report but i am immediately sceptical about that line.

anyway sounds interesting.
what would happen if you drank a whole bottle at once?

9 (edited by Obi1r 2008-12-29 16:52:25)

Re: Food Supplement Topic

Black shape, you can google on 'Geigy' and you see the first hit, but it's in Dutch.
Maybe hit Translate will help.


Strictly Rockaas

10 (edited by black shape 2008-12-29 17:32:36)

Re: Food Supplement Topic

very hard to find articles that aren't written by jus, jus me, jus drink etc. couldn't find that report in english, if someone does let me know.
http://www.jusmeplease.com/opportunity.html  sounds almost like a cult...

also here is a testimonial for fun

Re: Food Supplement Topic

Food & vitamin supplements = expensive piss!

a big con in my mind and more a sympton of a paranoid and over health conscious world!

Buy a juicer and shop at your local market more!!

Carrot, orange and fresh ginger juiced is the dog's bollocks in winter!!

Re: Food Supplement Topic

yes its difficult to find a decent article .
well rumours are that the pharmaceutical companys use it to sell more nutritional supplements they made.
this is an article from the
"deutsche gesellschaft fuer ernaehrung" (German society for nutrition registered association)
sorry its in german..(and from '99)
http://www.dge.de/modules.php?name=News … amp;sid=52

with babelfish translated in english:
http://de.babelfish.yahoo.com/translate … Cbersetzen

Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

13 (edited by Agence Internationale 2008-12-29 18:29:04)

Re: Food Supplement Topic

A good solution here, I don't know if it exists in your country, is the "AMAP" (association pour le maintien d'une agriculture paysane). It's like a coop where you buy directly from the peasant bio vegetables & fruits, with a contract, like you pay for one basket every week: so if you really need tomatoes in december... well you try to avoid and eat winter vegetables during winter...
This concept is growing a lot, and the advantages are multiple...
Well and if you have the chance to be able to grow your own products, like we do here, it's a must, but it requires much more work than eating a pill...

Edit: found that site for international AMAP: http://www.urgenci.net/

Re: Food Supplement Topic

yeah, who makews this jus anyway, is it geigy. they make ritalin, and that has fucked tons of people

15 (edited by Obi1r 2008-12-30 17:55:15)

Re: Food Supplement Topic

Black shape; the only thing the Swiss should make is watches if you ask me.
Dont take things into the extreme Black shape, to get scurvy you have to refrain from vitamin C for at least one or two months. Even a lousy fruit drink contains some vitamin C which is enough to prevent you from scurvy, but for the long term it is not very healthy for you to live that sober.

The makers of Jus I met a few weeks ago. They are just a few cowboys from Boise, Idaho.

Strictly Rockaas

16 (edited by Central Services 2009-04-18 00:33:32)

Re: Food Supplement Topic


Re: Food Supplement Topic

Central Services wrote:

that man you met seems to have jused up your brain a bit, mate

I see you did not gave it a try yet. First investigate and experience before give your comment fellow robot

Strictly Rockaas


Re: Food Supplement Topic

i dont experience any supplements, sorry...whatever you do, you are going to die - at some kind of age and Jus aint gonna help you, so what you can do is eat fruits and veggies every day if you can, move your ass a bit, stop smoking, quit the teenage raver pill popping and speed snorting lifestyle and you will feel mighty fine I think (at least I do)

Re: Food Supplement Topic

well you don't really seems to get my opinion in consideration, so keep drinking your Jus..
If you listened to all those food scientist, we'll end up like in Demolition Man movie, where everything is forbidden, because claimed unhealthy: scientists are shouting on animal fat, saying it's really bad, but they don't know how to explain the really low rate of heart problem in south-west of France, where they cook everything in duck fat...
The solution for me is the authenticity of what you eat, and saying that kind of food is out of range because more expensive is untrue.
And about the fall of nutriment in the vegetables, the abuse of NPK fertilizer is the cause, nothing else.

Re: Food Supplement Topic

so do you work for this company obi1r?

Re: Food Supplement Topic

Central Services wrote:

i dont experience any supplements, sorry...whatever you do, you are going to die - at some kind of age and Jus aint gonna help you, so what you can do is eat fruits and veggies every day if you can, move your ass a bit, stop smoking, quit the teenage raver pill popping and speed snorting lifestyle and you will feel mighty fine I think (at least I do)

dont quit moderate ! Only act like a teenager on the holidays

I think being content and not stressing over lifestyle is as important.

A paranoid is someone who knows a little of whats really going on.

Re: Food Supplement Topic

Agence Internationale; I did consider and read your post, about the "AMAP" system. It's very nice but for the Netherlands not practical... everything here is made of concrete and massive amounts of people trample on whatever is green.

Strictly Rockaas

Re: Food Supplement Topic

Obi1r wrote:

Agence Internationale; I did consider and read your post, about the "AMAP" system. It's very nice but for the Netherlands not practical... everything here is made of concrete and massive amounts of people trample on whatever is green.

same for germany, i think, most of my neighbors get their food in a small shop with direct access to organic farmers, but it's still a very small movement.

master main thing is   J O B   S E C U R I T Y   (red ticker is missing at this place...;))

i still try to do my industrial dust ideology - we are industrial dust, everything is industrial dust, every day even more is just industrial dust, there's no way out, one must try to find ways to cope with industrial dust - but am about to combine it with classic green approach, more than i'm doing anyway.

french people have a total different relation to food and eating and living at large.

without wanting to dis anyone from the netherlands, i think there're lots of parallels to germans...:)

0,2 l carot juice + 0,4 l standard multi-vitamin juice is my daily dosis for many years now, but i'll watch out for jus. sounds persuasive.

Re: Food Supplement Topic

Do you work for these guys? No offence, but you sound like you are pushing snake oil

Re: Food Supplement Topic

Agence Internationale wrote:

If you listened to all those food scientist, we'll end up like in Demolition Man movie, where everything is forbidden, because claimed unhealthy: scientists are shouting on animal fat, saying it's really bad, but they don't know how to explain the really low rate of heart problem in south-west of France, where they cook everything in duck fat...

...red wine, good weather, easy living, "oui, oui, we'll see tomorrow..." smile

if one smokes too much and thinks "i'll die of cancer" then he will, for sure or at least with an extremely increased chance.
there're more than enough examples for people that lived on healthy food etc. but didn't reach 50, and others who did smoke and drink + giving a fuck on fruits etc. but got 100.

we do know a lot of what's happening in outer space, we do know less about things under the sea, we have no fukin clue about what's happening in our heads, but are beginning to sense that there's nothing as complex as our brains actually are.
and many other things we try to control are as well too complex for being controlled by life forms that don't really know what's up with themselves.