Topic: Ableton - bloody beginner question

Hi all,

I finally started to work with Ableton after refusing to do so for years and years.
So here is a bloody beginner question which makes most of you Ableton pro's smile I guess:

If I have a sample, for example an string or pad that I want to get looped it is easy to do so by using the loop function. But Ableton "cuts" the last bit of the sample at the loopendpoint and starts again at the startpoint. So how can I tell Ableton to play it looped but also play the last fade out/release phase of the sample? In the MPC that is very easy of course....
but I haven't found a function in Ableton.

Any help much appreciated....

Thanks, Arne

Re: Ableton - bloody beginner question

Are you refering to an audio clip or to a sample in the simpler?

Re: Ableton - bloody beginner question

An audio clip.....

Re: Ableton - bloody beginner question

you are probably referring to loops with reverbs or delays on them, or even a longer release... I am not an Ableton Live user although I'm planning on becoming one at some point, but when I had little plays with it I was struggling on the exact same question... seems too silly that you can only import a "dry" loop and use Live's effects... I am sure there's a workaround...

Re: Ableton - bloody beginner question

Correct, I'm talking about samples with longer releases that should still be played even though the loop has to start again in the beginning.
I'm pretty sure there is a way to do it but I can't find it.

It would be nice if you could let Ableton trigger the sample at the loop startpoint and let it play completely even though due to the looping the sample is again retriggered....

Re: Ableton - bloody beginner question

Drag your sample in the simpler and problem solved!

7 (edited by computerdisco 2009-02-26 17:41:44)

Re: Ableton - bloody beginner question

Rpro is right.
It Sounds like your warp points need looking at as the clip should play whole before looping, start there..
But it depends on how you use the clip, if you change to the session view rather than the clip view and you just drop the sample onto the time line and then repeat it as many times as you need. It will play in full with its tail. But this is more like using Ableton as a traditional DAW.
You could also add a Clip envelope and fade the sample out that way, little E in the clip management box near the warp functions.
Alternately open said sample in a Wav editor and add silence after sample.

I think you need to check the multitude of free tutorials on the Ableton website, a couple of hours there and you will really pick up some good tips and tricks.. Hate to say it but R.T.F.M. its written well and it will tell you all you need to know.

+++ Dont be scared honey, thats just the resonance knob +++

Re: Ableton - bloody beginner question

Thanks guys,
the tip with the Simpler was really helpful.

One question regarding the Simpler though:
is it possible to run more than one Simpler in the same project? I wasn't able to do so.....
or am I able to load more than one sample into the simpler?
Because if I have more than one sample with that problem I was talking about it looks like I only can solve it with the Simpler once....

Thanks for the help....


Re: Ableton - bloody beginner question

I dont use the simpler/sampler alot but i think sampler is basically a expanded simpler witch allows you to map up several samples (i think under the zone tab). Also it adds some further jimbojambo.


Re: Ableton - bloody beginner question

Sorry, I was posting this too quick!
Stupid me found out that it is actually possible to open several Simpler clips and load several samples....

Problem solved!!! Many thanks!!!

Re: Ableton - bloody beginner question

Cheers big_smile


Re: Ableton - bloody beginner question

you're welcome wink