Topic: Bhutan

After bathing in the waters of Mother Ganga, after washing away all my sins, I'll be heading to Bhutan. Anyone been there? It must be the most peaceful place on Earth. I'm planning to move there.
How about getting a visa to enter Bhutan? Anyone has any info on that? Here in Brazil there isn't any bhutanese diplomatic representation and, according to a quick research I just did, you need to apply for the visa at least a month prior to your trip. Do you think I can do that in India? Or maybe I'll just hop the border, crossing the Himalayas. Now, that's gotta be a great adventure. I'm really looking forward to it.

Re: Bhutan

Hmm I guess u either need a bhutanese invitation or be part of a turist circuit..
U'll have to spend a fixed amount of $ each day of your stay (this includes usually accomodation, transports, guide..)
It seems u can't enter the himalayan kingdom from your own attending at the border..
Yes sounds like a beautiful & peaceful tiny country smile

Re: Bhutan

You're right aratkiLo. You need to have an invitation from a bhutanese citizen or arrange your visit with a tourist agency. Otherwise, they won't let you in. A guide will follow you everywhere. For me, that always traveled solo and 100% independent, that sucks.
I would never imagine Bhutan would be like this. Just getting to Bhutan is hard. I don't know why they have to complicate it even more. OK, they are concerned about the western invasion. They're not wrong, but they shouldn't be that closed. There's people that want to go there, but are not interested in being part of the tourist industry. If they're concerned about money, no problem. I would gladly  pay a fee to visit the country. But please let me go by myself.

Re: Bhutan

I don't know a lot about bhutan, but I can totally understand if one the last peaceful places on earth wants to remain that way, and not let them persuade by money to let tourists into their place without an invitation.

If the price is not getting to meet nice foreign people, then so it be, I don't see another option for them.

Re: Bhutan

when i lived in new york in the 90's an english guy i played soccer with had a nanny from bhutan.
she was a lovely humble individual, full of pride for her native land, always willing to share a memory of growing up in the himalaya.

unfortunately her first name was cunty
by the time my friend's kid was talking they used to refer to her as 'Bob'

keep hackney crap

Re: Bhutan

lol byron

Re: Bhutan

Bob  big_smile