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Robots for Robots → Random media → Stupid products
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Amazing! Why stop there, if this is true you could sleep hanging upside down and reverse aging!
[youtube][/youtube] i-phone app that links you to clothes you can buy, so you can get into Berghain??..wrong on soo many levels. Thats stupid fucking club is everything thats wrong with 'club culture', i hate it....
Thats stupid fucking club is everything thats wrong with 'club culture', i hate it....
right, but places that pride themselves on elitist snobbery and is full of such people can only be a good thing. i.e. "think I might avoid that building full of dickheads"
Dude, that Ipad toiletholder is the best invention evah! … me-bottle/
“Air. Water. You. The duo seem to love Helvetica and worked to bring the simplicity of the ubiquitous typeface into a bottle in the purest form possible: distilled water. You read right: Helvetica, the Perfume contains 2oz. of distilled water. The limited-edition bottle comes packaged in a numbered, letter-pressed box and is available now for $62.”
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