1 (edited by MANASYt 2022-09-12 18:45:36)

Topic: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

Upcoming wink



Manasyt vs Sam Lowry. A clash, mashup and/ or battle between two minds yet one and the same face. Hailing from the the twilight zone, Bulgaria. The currently Xiamen, China, based Petar Tassev has joined the forces of his alter ego's on this 9 tracker. A side 4 celestial and daring Electro tracks followed by the more eerie B side. A experimental, future horror movie-like sound. Thrilling in all the right ways! Very suiting new release on the Bunker Records.

2 (edited by MANASYt 2023-05-03 05:30:16)

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP


3 (edited by MANASYt 2022-09-18 09:50:29)

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

Added high-quality samples and actual tracklist   cool

http://soundcloud.com/manasyt/manasyt-v … 24-sampler

4 (edited by MANASYt 2022-09-22 14:50:46)

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

"Trephiner" premiere on Phormix (Athens)!

https://soundcloud.com/phormix/premiere … unker-4024


Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

SAM LOWRY - "Ghost Orchid" premiere on Tracklistings!

https://soundcloud.com/tracklistings3-0 … miere-1036


6 (edited by MANASYt 2022-10-02 04:31:54)

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

"Surgical Truth" dropped by Dave Clarke
      on White Noise #874  cool

https://soundcloud.com/tracklistings3-0 … -noise-874



7 (edited by MANASYt 2022-10-01 05:45:22)

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

"Honorkill" premiere on
Hypnotic Groove !!!

https://soundcloud.com/hypno_groove/pre … unker-4024


8 (edited by MANASYt 2022-10-04 15:49:25)

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

Digital out today, vinyl still upcoming  cool


These are the original pre-masters, masters sound different.
If you wanna skip the middle man and get directly form me, contact  wink

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

Vinyl delayed... But hey, now pre-order also available in Canada, eh?!



Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

"Surgical Truth" dropped  AGAIN!  by Dave Clarke
on White Noise #876

11 (edited by MANASYt 2022-10-16 13:52:44)

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

"Surgical Truth" dropped  AGAIN!  by Dave Clarke
on White Noise #876

soundcloud.com/tracklistings3-0/dave-cl … -noise-876



12 (edited by MANASYt 2022-10-25 03:47:14)

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

MANASYt and Bunker 4024 feature/review in the Bulgarian music media!

fonotekaelektrika.com/manasyt-sam-lowry … er-records


Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

Review from Juno!


Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

Vinyl seems to be finally comming oout this week, according to Clone distro! wink

Here's a double premiere on Strange But Dance Music (Russia)


https://soundcloud.com/strangebutdancem … er-records

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

Officially out today!  cool



16 (edited by MANASYt 2022-12-10 04:40:38)

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

"Hell.FM" premiere on Sonidos Subterraneos (Colombia) !

soundcloud.com/ssubterraneos/premiere-s … er-records


17 (edited by MANASYt 2023-02-06 05:12:17)

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

I'm having a bad luck with this LP.
First pressing was faulty, the whole batch... It was pulled from distro and shops...

New proper pressing available on Clone now. It's stamped BUNKER 4024 to distinguish from the mispress B4024.
So, I can finally say that this LP is out on Feb 6, 2023. Blast it!

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

New pressing stamp. People have confirmed that it sounds good  wink


Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

If there's still confusion, here's how the mispress and new pressing look!


And if you want hear the pre-masters, here:


20 (edited by MANASYt 2023-05-03 05:35:05)

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

Here's an updated list where the new clean pressing is available.
(as I know postage is becoming a bitch to pay)

https://3345.nl/products/manasyt-vs-sam … -sam-lowry

Germany (Dresden)
https://suburbantrash.com/electro-elect … lowry.html
https://www.discogs.com/sell/item/2432446355   (Formic)

USA (Seattle)
https://furtherrecords.com/products/man … m-lowry-lp


More on Discogs  (Italy, USA)

I'll have copies with me at gigs in Belgium, Germany and Bulgaria.

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

Review in Italian  wink

https://decadancebook.wordpress.com/202 … iugno-2023


Google translation :

Bulgarian transplanted in China, Petar Tassev enjoys challenging himself in a match against himself since it is only he who hides behind the scenes of MANASYt and Sam Lowry. Anchored to a style in which rhythmic geometrisms and horrific harmonic sequences converge in equal measure, the artist wisely interprets the difficult times we live in, marred by problems of all kinds that make the rave age seem like a very distant and above all unrepeatable era. The nine tracks recorded on the disc, four on one side under the name MANASYt and five on the other as Sam Lowry, without titles, lead by the hand in a sort of Hades, resorting to both rhythmic pulsations and gothic tapestries, passing over dissonant doodles which really seem to pay tribute to Robert Hood's “Minus” (B1). Released last autumn, the disc was withdrawn due to an imperfect pressing and replaced with a new edition, apparently the last for Bunker Records which would end its run definitively. It is worth remembering, however, that Guy Tavares has already managed once to resurrect his creature from the ashes, in 1998, so it would not be surprising if in the future this happened again to the delight of admirers and supporters around the globe.

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

Spotted in NYC!
At Ergot Records  cool


Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

Have copies for sale, as well as many other of my releases.

All mint and unplayed. Cheap postage from Bulgaria.

Full list with Discogs / Bandcamp info here:

https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fb … tid=Nif5oz

Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

Had a big order yesterday! wink
Some stuff is running low and I'm in EU only till August 24.
Check it all out :


Cheap and fast registered mail from Bulgaria.
(bonus - a sticker or 2)


Re: (BUNKER 4024) MANASYt vs Sam Lowry LP

Here's a Xmas present for ya.
Created by Karadime Studio (Bulgaria)
Enjoy the ride!
