Topic: roland R 8m question

Is anyone familiar with how to set up the external midi control change functions? I want to be able to control pitch/decay/nuance from the knobs on my electribe. From what I understand, there are 9 selectable control changes that can be set to an instrument and a parameter. The table in the back of the manual has the corresponding midi CC numbers for each of the nine controls (from what I make of it CTRL 1 - cc#16?). I then change the CC numbers for the knob on the electribe but nothing seems to do anything for me.

Anyone have any experience with this tiny detail of the R8m?

Re: roland R 8m question

did you have any luck doing this? not so much on the part of the r8m but it seems that the er-1's have a weird midi cc implementation..

Re: roland R 8m question

actinet6 wrote:

did you have any luck doing this? not so much on the part of the r8m but it seems that the er-1's have a weird midi cc implementation..

to answer my own q. Aside from the fact the er-1 has a fucked up midi implementation. The r8m has only 8 midi assignable controllers. These are for the whole bank though and not for individual sounds. It worked quite good controlling it via a machinedrum smile

But anyway, the sounds are so good untouched !!! best budget 808/909 emulation money can buy.

Re: roland R 8m question

For 808 emulation there is also the Soundcanvas SC55 or something which has a really good TR808 kit (better then the R8 imo)

Re: roland R 8m question

I found a way around part of my problems by using the 4 performance channels on each kit. You need to control each of them on a midi channel other than the ones your main drums are on. Then you can midi cc the volume and things like that. Plus you get to play each sound across every pitch. too much fun for toms and hats.